Construction Site Support
Your valued partner for site assistance
Our systematic approach to construction site support means that we'll partner with you throughout your project's lifespan. Whether you need advice on soil conditions or help with installation, we don’t mind getting our boots dirty to make sure you get the job done quickly and cost-efficiently. Even when unexpected soft soils or bad weather threaten construction schedules, you can count on us to get you back on track and save money in the process.
Site Assessment
From major highways and expansive industrial sites to remote oil fields or even sensitive coastlines, we’ve solved many challenges over the decades. Put our expertise to work for you – invite us to your job site in the early stages and we'll recommend a solution that optimizes your budget, financing, and construction scheduling. Request a free project review or click the Live Chat button to get the conversation started.
DCP Testing
The dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) is one of the most efficient and effective tools available for evaluating the strength of soils on site. It is also used to monitor the condition of granular layers and subgrade soils in pavement sections over time. We routinely use DCP testing to help our customers determine the right solutions for their sites, especially when soft soils are involved.
Installation and Site Support
We want to be your partner, not just sell you a product. Tensar regional sales managers and our distribution partners can provide expert construction site support and advise your designers, contractors, and construction crews to ensure the proper installation of our products and prevent unnecessary scheduling delays.