Sierra® Slope Soil Retention System

4 General Facing Options
100M+ Sq Ft of Slope Face Worldwide
0 Corrosion Concerns
  • Reliable solution routinely specified by government agencies, developers, engineers, and architects for a variety of applications
  • Eliminate costly concrete facing elements in favor of less costly, more aesthetically pleasing green elements
  • Enhance property values and preserve the natural beauty of sites

An economic and more aesthetic alternative to conventional concrete retaining walls, the Sierra® Slope system allows for a smaller footprint as compared to conventional fill slopes. This strategy maximizes developable land, creates more usable land in undeveloped areas, and enhances property values. In addition, the Sierra soil retention system significantly reduces material and installation costs by eliminating many limitations imposed by soil conditions, minimizing fill requirements, and allowing the use of on-site fills. The cost advantages, coupled with its natural aesthetic appeal, provide a reliable solution routinely specified by government agencies, developers, engineers, and architects for a variety of applications.

System Components

The Sierra Slope soil retention system is comprised of:

  • Tensar uniaxial (UX) geogrids
  • Tensar UV-stabilized BX geogrids
  • Site-specific facing system
  • Turf reinforcement mats (TRMs)
  • Engineering and site assistance

The Many Faces of Sierra Slopes

Sierra soil retention systems can be installed in the most challenging grade separation projects. Varying curves and face angles can be created for a more natural look, and several facing options, including plantable sod, hydroseeding, native vegetation, and bioengineering, can be specified.

Economical Installation

Sierra slopes significantly reduce material and installation costs by eliminating many limitations imposed by soil conditions, minimizing fill requirements, and allowing the use of on-site fills.

Single-Source Solution

The components of this slope retention system have been specifically designed to work together for optimum efficiency and performance. Their wide range of designs and facings, combined with their simplicity and speed of construction, make Sierra slopes more appealing when compared to other types of wall systems.

The Backbone of the Sierra Soil Retention Systems: Tensar UX Geogrid

Tensar UX geogrids are manufactured from select grades of HDPE resins that are highly oriented and resist deformation when subjected to high tensile loads for long periods of time. These geogrids carry large tensile loads applied in one direction. Their open aperture structure interlocks with natural fill materials, making them ideal for mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) applications.

The Engineered Advantage™

Tensar is the industry leader in soil reinforcement solutions. We've developed products and technologies at the forefront of the geotechnical industry for more than three decades. Our products are backed by the most thorough quality assurance practices in the industry. And we can provide full engineering and construction support, including detailing, design, site assistance, and review of stamped drawings for each of our grade separation solutions.