ARES® Retaining Wall Systems
- Functional, cost-effective panel walls offer a wide range of designs and finishes
- Assessed by HITEC for performance with millions of SF installed
- Used by nearly all 50 state DOTs
- Modular and full-height options
When long-term performance and speed of construction are critical, ARES® MSE retaining wall systems provide an attractive and reliable solution for a variety of grade change requirements, saving time and money during installation. Modular and full-height panel walls offer designers a choice of textures and patterns to meet architectural, structural, and budgetary needs. Panels are cast with HDPE geogrid tabs embedded in the rear face for connection to Tensar uniaxial (UX) geogrids. The 100% polymer connection assures load transfer to the reinforcement, with no loss in design strength over the project's service life.
The ARES retaining wall system is comprised of:
- Tensar uniaxial (UX) geogrids or Tensar Geo-Strip
- Precast panel facing
- Bodkin connector
- Engineering and construction assistance