High Performing Airport Pavements Reduce Runway Maintenance

by Jeffrey Rasche, on September 22, 2022

man in orange reflective vest uses light-up sticks to signal incoming planes; the landing gear and bottom of an airplane are visible in the backgroundAirport owners and operators often find themselves in a neverending pavement maintenance process to ensure uninterrupted operations. Frequently used pavements like taxiways and runways often need the most work, yet frequent shutdowns for maintenance cause additional stress on travelers and management staff alike.

The onset of reflective cracking generally signals the start of rapid pavement deterioration and an urgent need for rehabilitation. Failure to act on reflective surface cracking in a timely manner will result in permanent damage to the lower layers of the pavement. Fortunately, Tensar offers proven strategies that not only quickly address immediate repairs but also ensure that our high-performance solutions reduce future maintenance and rehabilitation over the long term.

Both the GlasGrid Pavement Reinforcement System and GlasPave pavement mats are two solutions that airport operators can implement today and see lasting effects. These products have been used in airport pavements for decades because they add tensile strength to the pavement, significantly delaying cracks and successfully extending maintenance periods. They can be installed quickly so that interruptions are kept at a minimum and maintenance budgets are stretched much further.

Proven in the Real World

Project: Hutchinson County Airport Runway and Taxiway Rehab
Location: Borger, Texas




The Hutchinson County Airport was experiencing severe, large reflective cracks on its main runway and taxiway. Since the runway would need to shut down for pavement rehabilitation, the timing was a factor.


The GlasGrid System and GlasPave pavement interlayers were chosen because they could be rapidly installed and for their proven ability to extend maintenance cycles. GlasPave50 mats were installed on the taxiways while GlasGrid 8511 was installed on the main runway taking on the heavier duty loads. Trackless tack was applied to the grid prior to paving. The airport was pleased with the results and plans to install GlasGrid on its other runway during the summer of 2022.

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Learn more about GlasGrid and GlasPave solutions and the research conducted. You can also read more project profiles documenting decades of reduced cracking.

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