Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Site Solutions
Cost-saving site solutions for oil, gas & petrochemical operations
Oil, gas, and petrochemical facilities are essential to society. With demand for energy ever increasing, operations need to remain efficient and cost-effective. Poor soils, weak subgrades, and harsh weather or environmental conditions can make the construction and maintenance of well sites and petrochemical facilities more difficult, dangerous, and costly.
Fortunately, Tensar geogrid technology significantly improves on-site soils by stabilizing the ground under access roads and well pads. As a result, bearing capacity is greatly improved, and your operation can bear heavier loads while continuing to perform for longer periods of time.
Site Construction
The volatile oil market has placed a tremendous amount of uncertainty on the industry, causing drilling operations to scramble for cost savings however they can. Although the price per barrel can't be controlled, there is one thing that can be: the construction costs of well pads, access roads, storage/laydown yards, and other working surfaces.
Tensar geogrids reduce the required aggregate thickness and can greatly improve performance. When every dollar counts, depend on Tensar geogrid technology for cost-effective construction.
Well Pads & Site Maintenance
Oil and gas producers are drilling in more remote locations, which means these sites are often situated on top of poor soils with weak, underlying subgrades. When these subgrades go unstabilized, well pads and access roads will quickly deteriorate under heavy loads, which in turn negatively impacts long-term maintenance. When productivity suffers, so does your bottom line.
As an expert in soil stabilization, Tensar offers proven design solutions that can improve long-term performance of oil pads, access roads, and working platforms. This means less downtime fixing sites and more time increasing production and profits.
Petrochemical Facility Access
Petrochemical facilities are often built or expanded close to waterways to more easily ship petroleum to the world. However, these sites are usually comprised of very poor, over-saturated soils that are at or only slightly above the water table. To make matters more challenging, the topography on these sites is often flat so the water has nowhere to drain. This means construction in-and-over these conditions is not optional – it's mandatory.
Using Tensar geogrids on a petrochemical site provides both cost-effective construction and ensures long-term performance of roads, working surfaces, construction platforms, and access areas.
All Weather Access
When well sites are hit with rain or face winter thaws, or hurricane season threatens to drench petrochemical sites, the bearing capacities of the subgrade soils can dramatically decrease and cause productivity to suffer. Owners need assurance that adverse weather won’t impact site operations. Tensar geogrid keeps oil, gas, and petrochemical sites productive, even when cold or wet weather causes unfavorable site conditions. It has been used in thousands of projects around the world in all types of climates, saving time and money while also improving performance.