Tensar InterAx® Geogrids

11M+ SY Installed Since Launch
70% Potential Aggregate Reduction
65% Potential Carbon Emission Reduction
  • Costly delays and strained budgets don't have to be the norm. Speed construction and save up to 70% in aggregate section reduction.
  • Most advanced geosynthetic made for trafficked surfaces and foundations
  • Ideal for subgrade stabilization, pavements, and working platforms
  • Optimized geometry for maximum confinement of granular fill, creating the most efficient stabilized layer
  • Advanced material science to improve compaction and restrict movement over time, retaining the stiffness long term and further enhancing performance
  • Results in a more resilient solution that will withstand severe weather events, the increasing impact of climate change, and other challenging environmental conditions



There is an increasing demand to build infrastructure more economically, faster, and with more sustainable methods and materials. Over the course of Tensar's 50+ year history, we have invested millions of dollars in research to provide sitework solutions that meet these needs for our customers.

InterAx® geogrid combines coextrusion and advanced material science with an optimized geometry to dramatically improve soil interaction and trafficking performance. It provides greater value compared to other stabilization technologies, including biaxial and triangular aperture geogrids and chemical stabilization. InterAx stabilization grids also drive superior performance across a broader range and quality of aggregate types and gradations, giving you more flexibility in your aggregate choice.

Tensar InterAx® Geogrids are the most advanced geosynthetic solution for subgrade stabilization, trafficked surfaces, and foundations. Designed for maximum confinement of granular fill, they enhance the stiffness and compaction of materials, reducing movement over time. With potential aggregate reductions of up to 70% and carbon emission reductions of up to 65%, Tensar InterAx® provides a more resilient infrastructure solution that withstands severe weather events and environmental stressors. Proven in a variety of markets, including public roads, commercial, industrial, and railways, InterAx® Geogrids deliver cost and time savings while enhancing long-term performance.

Product Details

InterAx geogrid is currently available in four SKUs: NX650, NX750, NX850 and NXL.

Standard-Width Product Dimensions
DescriptionSKUWidth (Meters)Length (Meters)Width (Feet)Length (Feet)Area (SY/Roll)Roll Weight (Lbs.)
InterAx NX650NX65038803.88012.5262.5364.6189
InterAx NX750NX75038603.86012.5197273.6155
InterAx NX850NX85038603.86012.5197273.6183
InterAx NXLNXL38603.86012.5197273.6204


Wide-Width Product Dimensions
DescriptionSKUWidth (Meters)Length (Meters)Width (Feet)Length (Feet)Area (SY/Roll)Roll Weight (Lbs.)
InterAx NX650 Wide-WidthNX650471004.710015.5328564.9292
InterAx NX750 Wide-WidthNX75047804.78015.5262.5452.1255
InterAx NX850 Wide-WidthNX85047804.78015.5262.5452.1302

We have a variety of patents associated with InterAx geogrid, which can be viewed here.

Comparing Geogrids

 There are dozens of geogrids and other geosynthetic products on the market. How do you know which is right for your project's needs? When it comes to roadway construction, the keys are proper design and testing to validate performance.

Learn More

Proven Success

Successful clients and construction excellence have been Tensar's mission for over 50 years. Tensar's InterAx geogrid has already been installed on countless projects across the globe, proving its value to many satisfied customers.

Proven Savings

We help you deliver projects more efficiently, no matter what challenges you're facing, just as we have for thousands of loyal customers. Tensar's InterAx geogrid was specifically designed to provide greater overall cost savings through thinner aggregate layers and more fill options.

Compatible with Tensar+ & Enhanced Design Methods

Tensar's InterAx geogrid is fully compatible with our easy-to-use, award-winning design software, Tensar+. Tensar+ saves you time and effort, while ensuring your designs are reliable and deliver the expected results.

Stabilizing a subgrade, passing a proofroll, or designing an unpaved road is easier than ever. Using the enhanced subgrade stabilization method only available in Tensar+, you can design for a broader range of traffic and performance, to better reflect the actual jobsite conditions. This results in a solution that you can count on working the first time.

Trenching with Geogrid

Tensar geogrids are routinely excavated through and punched through in order to place guardrail posts, bridge piers, and underground utilities. The stabilization grid locks the aggregate and pavement in place, and it isn't disturbed by the adjacent trench.

A Resilient Solution

Tensar geogrids are 100% UV resistant and will not rust, leach, or degrade in direct sunlight. When you build with geogrids, you can count on a higher-performing and longer-lasting solution for future generations to enjoy. Tensar's InterAx geogrid is also a proven component of protecting our infrastructure by planning for and mitigating the effects of unforeseen events, accelerating recovery. InterAx geogrid protects against loss of load-carrying capacity due to storm and flood conditions and mitigates the damaging effects of expansive soils and freeze-thaw cycling. InterAx geogrid significantly reduces restoration times after a shock event, minimizing disruption to residents, businesses, and motorists.