Echo Farms Roadway Construction
March 2021
Tensar's InterAx™ geogrid supports new residential roadway construction by providing dependable and repeatable soft soil remediation.
- Contractor: Thomson, Corder & Co, Inc.
- Engineer: ECS
A new residential development was under construction and soft soils were encountered in several segments of the proposed roadway, including a high traffic area at the main entrance. After considering the options, one of the project participants experienced with geogrids suggested contacting Tensar. DCP testing conducted confirmed subgrade CBRs as low as 1%.
Based on the analysis completed by Tensar and prior experience of the engineer, an 8" undercut was performed, followed by the placement of NX750 and two 4" lifts of NCDOT ABC stone. A proofroll was conducted and the section passed. The project team was pleased to have a solution they could feel confident would work when they ran into problematic conditions elsewhere on the site.