Soil Stabilization Methods: Geogrid vs. Chemical

by Andres Peralta, P.E., on July 07, 2022

Soils with low shear strength, high compressibility, and shrink/swell behavior are common problems for roadway construction and for the long-term design performance of these structures. When choosing a soil stabilization method to solve these problems, upfront construction costs, feasibility of installation, and durability of the solution are key considerations. Both chemical and geosynthetic options are often used to solve these types of soil issues, however, which one offers the most benefits in a head-to-head comparison?

Dr. Jie Han, an engineering professor at the University of Kansas, recently published an article in Geostrata Magazine that summarized the benefits of using chemical stabilization methods (cement, lime, and fly ash for example) and geosynthetics like geogrid and geotextiles. We recently developed an e-book that compares the pros and cons of chemical methods with Tensar geogrids, the most advanced geosynthetic for soil stabilization. 

Inside we discuss:

  • A brief review of chemical and geogrid soil stabilization types

  • Pros and cons of each method throughout various stages of construction

  • Actual project examples

  • Our free design software for comparing options, Tensar+™

Ebook Cover-1
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We think this will be a valuable resource that will not only open up new perspectives but also help you design and build with greater confidence. No matter where you are, you can depend on the roven technology and proven success of partnering with Tensar.

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