Earning an A+ Infrastructure Grade
by Mike Lawrence, on June 20, 2018
While we hope for fast resolution of political debates on transportation infrastructure funding, U.S. highways remain overloaded with traffic that wastes time and fuel and slows commerce, and limits growth. Whatever your politics, two things are certain: road construction can’t wait, and we must learn to do more with what we have right now. My colleagues and I at Tensar believe the key is increased focus on efficiency, on the application of existing, proven innovations, and on optimizing decisions for total, lifetime cost of ownership.

Forward looking DOT’s and road contractors have seen the productivity advantages of using proven technology advances, however most remain slow to adopt them. For example, independent research consistently shows that adoption of simple but powerful geogrid technologies (like Tensar’s TriAx products) meaningfully reduces the cost of materials used in constructing highways, while speeding time to completion and extending service life. Still, the leading construction research firm FMI estimates just 3% of all U.S. road mileage built in 2017 incorporated Geogrids, although the technology has been affordably available for decades.
Our path to A+ infrastructure must begin now with the adoption of ready-to-go, efficiency-driving highway innovations that do more with less, and improve our Country’s infrastructure sooner rather than later. To that end, Tensar will lend our voice to help recognize next weeks' "Infrastructure Week" as an affiliate. Keep an eye out for our activities and please join in the online conversation by liking, sharing and/or reposting throughout the week.
Mike Lawrence, CEO, Tensar International
Learn more about Tensar's commitment to helping resilient infrastructure.
Learn more about Infrastructure Week

"The future won't wait. Neither can we. It's #TimeToBuild." ~infrastructureweek.org
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