
We believe the best technology and design methods are critical to building better and smarter infrastructure. That's why we create engaging, technically sound educational opportunities that show how to extend design life, speed construction and reduce costs. With Tensar, you have 24/7 access to courses and PHD webinars led by geosynthetic experts. The best part - every course is free of charge.



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Wet Weather Site Solutions

1 PDH credits

Working Platform Design with MSLs on Saturated Soils

1 PDH credits

Shallow Foundation Design with Mechanical Stabilization

In this months webinar, well look at the use of MSLs to improve bearing capacity and reduce settlement of shallow foundations. We will also...
1 PDH credits

Understanding Pavement Failures

When a pavement fails to reach its expected design life, how do we determine what went wrong? Road building materials, construction technology, and...
1 PDH credits

Focus on Foundation Design

Developers, engineers and contractors know that building reliable foundations over weak soils can be expensive, time-consuming, labor-intensive and...
1 PDH credits

Extend the Service Life of Concrete Structures with Performance Reinforcing Steel

This months Tensar webinar will move outside our normal geotechnical focus to look at reinforced concrete design and the problem of rebar corrosion in...
1 PDH credits

Comparing Geogrid Used in Civil Construction Projects

There are dozens of geogrids and other geosynthetic products used in civil construction projects such as roadways, crane pads, working platforms,...
1 PDH credits

The Importance of Proactive Pavement Management

One of the most significant challenges for Public Works organizations is managing maintenance programs for assets with long lifespans, such as...
0.5 PDH credits

Mitigating Liquefaction Settlement Using Geopier and Tensar Ground Improvement Solutions

This webinar will provide an introduction on the risks associated with liquefication induced settlement to structures and how a Geopier and Tensar...
1.5 PDH credits

How to Select the Right Geogrid or Geosynthetic Type Product

There are dozens of geogrids and other geosynthetic products on the market how do you know which is right for your projects needs, and how do you...
.5 PDH credits

Shallow Foundation Tensar+ Design Software Module

Learn more about the Shallow Foundation design module in Tensar+ software. We will cover the benefits of using geogrid in this application,...

Specification & Performance Validation Strategies

When designing civil engineering projects, the primary objective for the engineer of record should be to ensure that the completed project performs as...
1 PDH credits