
We believe the best technology and design methods are critical to building better and smarter infrastructure. That's why we create engaging, technically sound educational opportunities that show how to extend design life, speed construction and reduce costs. With Tensar, you have 24/7 access to courses and PHD webinars led by geosynthetic experts. The best part - every course is free of charge.



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Flexible Pavement Design with Geogrids - Part 1: Design Theory, Technical Basis, and State of the Practice

As pavement design methods have advanced over the past 75 years, the materials and construction techniques used have also advanced. While...
1 PDH credits

Geosynthetic Applications for Construction Expediency

The use of geogrids and other geosynthetic products and systems is often based on improving performance, reducing material and labor cost, or both....
0.5 PDH credits

History of Pavement Design

This course provides a historical overview of the development of pavement design and construction, from ancient times through present day practice.
0.5 PDH credits

Intro to Accelerated Pavement Testing

This course discusses Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) and its use to quantify the performance of geogrids used for mechanical stabilization in...

ASCE Infrastructure Report Card

One out of every five miles of highway pavement is reported to be in poor condition, and our roads have a significant and increasing backlog of...
1 PDH credits

Designing and Constructing Working Surfaces and Heavy Haul Roads for the Petrochemical Industry

In this webinar, we explore how TriAx works to stabilize sites with poor subgrades trafficked by heavily loaded trucks and construction equipment;...
0.5 PDH credits

Mechanical Stabilization for Improved Trackbed Performance

In this webinar, we provide an introduction to the use of geogrid for the mechanical stabilization of ballast and sub ballast in rail track...
1 PDH credits

Temporary Walls & Pressure Relief Walls

In this session, we will discuss the design theory and practical aspects of two Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls: temporary walls and...
1 PDH credits

Using Geogrids, Geotextiles, and Natural Materials for Separation

In this webinar, we review the options available to the designer for maintaining the integrity of granular fill layers which are placed over...
1 PDH credits

Improved Pavement Performance Over Trench Cuts and Other Spot Repairs Using Geogrid

In this webinar, topics covered will include evaluating distress, trenching through existing pavements which include geogrid, determining the required...
1 PDH credits

TriAx Geogrid Installation Best Practices

This webinar presents installation guidance for Tensar TriAx Geogrid, including construction sequence, overlap, aggregate placement, and compaction.
1 PDH credits

How to Assess Poor Soil Conditions and Develop Effective Stabilization Solutions

In this session, we will review options for addressing unsuitable soils during construction.
1 PDH credits