CF Industries Port Neal Nitrogen Complex
September 2013 - 2015
See how Tensar geogrids were used to support heavy laydown areas on the CF Industries Port Neal Nitrogen Complex Plant Expansion in Sergeant Bluff, Iowa (IA).
- Owner/Developer: CF Industries
- Design Engineer: Tensar International Corporation
- Contractor: Performance Contractors, Inc.
- Distributor: Coleman Moore Company
CF Industries’ Port Neal Nitrogen Complex is undergoing a $2 billion, 325-acre expansion, the largest economic development project in state history. Developing an all-weather haul road, laydown/staging area, and parking spaces that can withstand more than two years of continuous construction traffic which will help with the massive excavation loads, huge plant components, and tens of thousands of truck passes.
Tensar offered Tensar® TriAx® TX160 Geogrid for the heavy haul road. Both the all-weather haul road and laydown areas utilized one layer of TriAx TX160 Geogrid, while Tensar TriAx TX140 Geogrid was installed in the parking areas.