Plant Yates Riverbank
July 2001 - July 2002
See how Tensar's Triton® Marine Mattresses were used to reinforce steep slopes on the Plant Yates Riverbank Protection project in Whitesburg, Georgia (GA).
- Owner/Developer: Southern Company / Georgia Power Company
- Design Engineer: Southern Company
- Contractor: Fluor Daniel
- Distributor: Tensar International Corporation
A power plant building in Whitesburg, Georgia required 500 feet of the Chattahoochee River to be guarded. However, the erosion of the riverbank jeopardized a containment dike for a settling pond. This would be challenging because there were limited options for revetment due to the riverbank's steep slopes. Fill materials could not be put in the river to make the slope flatter due to permit restrictions. Additionally, the contractor was only allowed to fix the current slope and put in a revetment system.
Tensar’s Triton® Marine Mattress System was selected as it combines many features that the alternative options did not, such as anchoring techniques, flexibility, large mass, porosity, and the ability to promote vegetative establishment. The steep slopes proved to be a challenge that other revetment systems could not address within the confines of the permit.