San Diego International Airport Parking Lot
November 2012
Discover how the Tensar Spectra Roadway Improvement System with TriAx and Geogrid was used to help one of the busiest single-runway airports.
- Owner/Developer: San Diego Regional Airport Authority
- Design Engineer: Kleinfelder
- Contractor: Hazard Construction Company
- Distributor: Tensar International Corporation??
San Diego Regional Airport is known for one of the busiest single-runway commercial airports and is seeking to relocate and expand two employee surface parking lots to a different section of the airport campus. The client needed a construction strategy for Lot 6 and Lot 8 that would be affordable, efficient, and reliable despite poor subgrade conditions.
The Airport Authority instead decided to use the Spectra® Roadway Improvement System, a mechanically stabilized layer incorporating Tensar® TriAx® TX7 Geogrid, as a lower cost, longer lasting alternative to using a thick base layer.
By installing Triax Geogrid, the project designer was able to install million square feet of parking on just six inches of compacted aggregate.