Savannah Riverbank Protection Project
Check out how Tensar Marine solutions were used to provide cost-effective, long-term performance on the Savannah Riverbank Protection Project in Georgia.
- Owner/Developer: The Georgia Department of Transportation
- Design Engineer: U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
The overall objective of this project was to cover certain areas of the north riverbank in Savannah, Georgia, while considering factors such as cost, constructibility, and performance. Considering four different methods of protection: riprap, cabled block mats, tetrapods, and marine mattress.
Tensar's Marine Mattresses system was used for the building materials for Sections C and F. The marine mattresses performed better than the other alternatives that were used. According to Olsen Associates, Inc.'s preliminary design report, "“The most important performance criteria for an erosion control structure is its inherent stability.” Only Tensar's Marine Mattress consistently displayed stability on this project, ranking first in terms of performance, constructability, and economics.