Weld County
October 2023
GlasGrid 8511TF provides enhanced pavement performance for project in Weld County, Colorado.
- Owner: Weld County
- Contractor: Weld County Public Works
- Installer: Vance Brothers
To address the impact of increased truck traffic on local roadsassociated with the growth of oil and gas exploration, Weld Countyhas been evaluating cost effective methods to increase the structuralcapacity of their extensive network of county road assets. Onemethod considered was the improved structural capacity provided byGlasGrid8511 TF HMA reinforcing grid.
In 2019, Tensar and Vance Brothers worked with the County to conduct a trial using Glasgrid 8511TF to demonstrate improved pavement structural performance and crack mitigation. After four years of heavy trafficking, the test section demonstrated significantly less surface distress, cracking and improved ride quality. The county elected to use GlasGrid8511TF to manage their portfolio of road assets and recently completed a successful 5-mile reconstruction by removing 5” of existing HMA, applying 12” of full-depth reclamation with 5% cement, 4” of aggregate base, one 2.5-inch lift of HMA, GlasGrid8511TF, a 3” lift of HMA topped by a 1.5” wearing course of course of Weld County road 77.