Triton® Marine Mattress System
- Designed for marine applications
- Made from select grades of co-polymer polypropylene (PP) & high-density polyethylene (HDPE) resins
- Highly resistant to UV and long-term abrasion damage
- Resistant to installation damage and chemical or biological long-term degradation
A Triton® marine mattress is an engineered structure made from Tensar uniaxial geogrid that's filled with stone. These mattresses were designed for demanding conditions associated with erosion control armoring, scour protection, and submerged foundation projects, including:
- Shoreline revetments and dune stabilization
- Foundations for breakwaters, jetties, groins, and dikes
- Pipeline cover to prevent scour and protect submerged pipelines
- Scour mats for underwater pipeline crossings and sewage outfalls
- Scour protection for channels, bridge abutments, and bridge piers
In addition to the durability and long-term tensile capacity of Tensar geogrids, the Triton marine mattress system provides superior performance due to its monolithic high mass and porosity, flexibility and hydraulic stability, energy dissipation characteristics, and sensitivity to wave run-up or reflection.
Triton marine mattresses can also be created with a geotextile fabric encapsulated within or attached to the bottom of the mattress, resulting in a Triton filter mattress.
Triton marine mattresses and Triton filter mattresses are constructed from UX100, UX200, UX300, and BX1500.