Ash Tree Park Housebuilding

Kendal, UK

Tensar’s TensarTech NaturalGreen system, incorporating site-won soil has maximised space for homes and gardens built on two levels on a site in Kendal. 


  • Enabling the use of site-won fill in a reinforced soil slope
  • Maximising development space for homes and gardens
  • Saving time and money over traditional techniques
Client's Challenge

Story Homes needed to build a steep reinforced soil slope to maximise space for two levels of homes and gardens at Ash Tree Park. The reinforced soil structure also had to be robust enough to withstand piling for houses on the upper level, which meant placing a working platform at the top of the slope.

Tensar Solution

Tensar proposed using its TensarTech NaturalGreen System to provide a long-term reinforced slope solution, which was also robust enough to enable the safe working of a piling rig. The working platform comprised a mechanically stabilised layer, formed by incorporating Tensar TriAx geogrid in granular material, to enhance load spread and reduce the load imposed on the slope.

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