Catthorpe Interchange

Leicestershire, UK

Tensar’s TensarTech® TW3 modular block retaining wall system has created long-lasting structures on a complex road junction remodelling project. 


  • HDPE geogrids enabled use of non-standard fill, saving material costs  
  • Robust and cost-effective alternative to concrete panel retaining walls 
  • Modular system reduced construction risk during temporary works
Client's Challenge

As part of its work to remodel the Catthorpe Interchange, Skanska needed a technically robust and cost-effective way of building wing walls and retaining walls for new road bridges carrying new links between the M1, M6 and A14 over local roads.

Tensar Solution

Tensar’s TensarTech TW3 system was chosen. Not only was the modular geogrid reinforced soil system faster, easier and safer to build than other systems but, because Tensar geogrids are chemically inert, a non-standard PFA fill could be used instead of more expensive aggregate in the reinforced soil structures. Stainless steel strips found in other systems would be at risk of degrading in this material, due to high pH values.

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