HS2 Stoneleigh Park
As an alternative to traditional design methods, a leaner working platform was required for the Stoneleigh Park Overbridge piling operations, which needed to address the issues of high rig track pressures over a variable subgrade.
- £250,000 (65%) estimated reduction in construction cost
- 15 days (75%) estimated reduction in construction time
- 100,000kg CO2e (75%) estimated saving in carbon emissions
- Around 1.0m of 6F2/5 saving in stone depth across the platform’s area
Following comprehensive geotechnical investigation, the subgrade conditions were identified as variable; between cohesive and granular over the 5,000m2 area. The project team aimed to also substantially reduce the volumes of imported fill to be used in the platform’s construction and maintenance.
Using the updated T-value method in conjunction with Tensar’s best ever performing geogrid, Tensar InterAx, a mechanically-stabilised solution was proposed, resulting in significant quantifiable savings in whole life construction time, cost and embodied carbon emissions.