Livonia West Business Center
October - November 2021
Boost performance, not cost, with Tensar® InterAx™ geogrid.
- Engineer: Webb Engineering
- Contractor: Iafrate
- Distributor: CSI Geoturf
The owner experienced a series of premature pavement failures and reached out to Tensar for assistance designing longer lasting pavements. Numerous warehouse parking lots have since been constructed with pavement sections optimized for cost and performance using various Tensar geogrids. This particular site was built on contaminated soil, so minimizing additional undercut was a priority.
The client relied on prior experience working with Tensar to choose a design that would ensure performance without raising the cost of the pavement section. First, a geomembrane liner was placed to keep contaminants in the subgrade soil contained. A geocomposite was then placed to protect the membrane, and various combinations of Tensar geogrids and aggregate were installed on top to meet differing performance requirements.