Newton County Landfill Haul Road
October 2021
Tensar® InterAx™ geogrid handles heavy traffic with ease.
- Engineer: Weaver Consultants Group
- Contractor: Ryan Central
An existing asphalt pavement section (6.5" asphalt on 18" aggregate) designed to handle 18 kip axle loads failed due to trafficking by 42 ton articulated dump trucks. Saturated clay subgrade and drainage were also concerns on-site.
Tensar designed a two-layer solution consisting of 6" of No.53 stone stabilized with Tensar NX850 geogrid on top of a 12" thick lift of No. 2 stone stabilized with Tensar NX850-FG FilterGrid™. This stabilizing section used the same thickness and type of aggregate underneath the asphalt as the original design, but the two layers of InterAx geogrid provided the necessary extra boost in performance. This solution was designed for a 20-year life, or 730,000 (100 daily) total passes of CAT 740 EJ articulated haul dump trucks.